Denial Matters for Incest Offenders
How does denial affect recidivism and are there links between incest and non-incest offenders?
How does denial affect recidivism and are there links between incest and non-incest offenders?
The implications of race and utilizing the Static-99R for assessing risk in sentencing.
What data is available to assess and determine the likelihood of a female sexual offender being arrested, charged, convicted, or incarcerated after her initial conviction?
Data driven look at 5-year and newly available 10-year data points on recidivism of both contact and non-contact sexual offenders using the Static-99R.
Evaluating a study that shows sex offender risk of recidivism post release and how it relates to sentence mitigation, aggravation, and public policy.
How do antisociality and paraphilia affect the motivations of Black American versus White American sexual offenders? The motivations for sexual offending