Do Motivations for Sexual Offending Differ Depending on Race?

Last Updated on July 3rd, 2023 at 04:53 pm
Originally Published on July 22nd, 2020 at 10:52 am
Table of Contents
Study Details
Study Findings
Implications for Sentencing
Implications for Treatment Recommendations


How do antisociality and paraphilia affect the motivations of Black American versus White American sexual offenders? The motivations for sexual offending.


There is a vast array of research pointing to the fact that sexual offenders are a heterogenous group and that it is difficult to generalize across offense types and populations. Despite the vast amount of research on sexual offenders, there is a lack of scientific studies that look at potential differences in offender characteristics related to race or ethnicity. This study sought to address this lack of knowledge by investigating any potential differences between white and black men who have committed sexual offenses.

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