CPORT Does Not Pass Cross Cultural Validation
How does the CPORT miss the mark in properly predicting recidivism rates?
How does the CPORT miss the mark in properly predicting recidivism rates?
What steps should be taken to ensure an offender that is under investigation should be placed in the lowest recidivism risk category?
What factors should attorneys be vigilant for during sentencing for child contact offenses versus an internet only child pornography offender?
Analyzing a Federal Probation report on recidivism rates of child pornography sexual offenders with and without prior offenses as it relates to risk assessment.
The 2021 US Sentencing Commission Report identifies systemic failures to adjust for changing sentencing circumstances of non-production offenders.
Data highlights about production and trading of CSEM, the typical relationship of abusers and victims, and the escalating severity of depravity.
How do studies done by the NCMEC and the Australian Institute for Criminology impact sentencing for production or distribution of Child Pornography by parents?