Sexual Offender Treatment: Does Specialized Treatment Matter?
What types of treatment are most effective at reducing recidivism?
What types of treatment are most effective at reducing recidivism?
How does alcohol and substance abuse affect the likelihood of violent and/or sexual offenses?
What are the socioeconomic demographics of juvenile offenders and how do additional offenses play into recidivism?
What are the most frequent ACE items endorsed by sexually violent persons and can they be used as predictors for recidivism?
A meta-analysis of studies focusing on the effect of treatment on reoffending.
A Modern Explanation for Why People Offend.
What are the most common demographic and personality factors that encompass this little researched group?
A look at two studies of sexual recidivism in a population of over 2,000 sexual offenders.
A study devoted to evaluating outcomes of recidivism of offenders who volunteer for treatment versus those that don’t and comparing them to Static-99 scores.
How do these tests compare in accuracy to the existing PPG standard tests?