Comparing the Static-99R and CPORT

Last Updated on February 27th, 2025 at 10:31 am
Originally Published on February 18th, 2025 at 08:00 am
Table of Contents
Implications for Mitigation


There is a prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse Materials (CSAM) cases, and, at present, there is no fully validated risk assessment measure for these cases. In this study summary we’ll look at the Static-99R and CPORT for these purposes.


Courts are looking for a risk assessment and all an evaluator can truly provide is the goodness of fit of the client to the type of CSAM offenders known in the research literature and those estimates of recidivism.

CPORT is the only static risk measure specifically developed for use with these cases.

While it is a helpful tool, it continues to require validation studies and often, in the United States, evaluators are not provided all of the forensic materials necessary to use the full measure.

Therefore, studies assessing the usefulness of other risk assessment measures for CSAM cases can be helpful.

Details of the Static-99R CPORT Study

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