Characteristics of Male Internet Only Child Pornography Offenders
What scales are used to evaluate risk assessment among these offenders? How do the results differ from CP offenders with a contact offense?
What scales are used to evaluate risk assessment among these offenders? How do the results differ from CP offenders with a contact offense?
What commonalities can be drawn between adults who solicit sex online from other adults and adults who solicit minors?
Do studies conducted at the federal level support the low recidivism rates seen for sexual offenders at the county and state levels?
How does the CPORT miss the mark in properly predicting recidivism rates?
What factors play into sexual offenders who victimize family members versus extrafamilial offenders?
The implications of race and utilizing the Static-99R for assessing risk in sentencing.
What steps should be taken to ensure an offender that is under investigation should be placed in the lowest recidivism risk category?
What factors should attorneys be vigilant for during sentencing for child contact offenses versus an internet only child pornography offender?
The landscape of the production of child pornography production has changed drastically over the decade from 2010 to 2020. How do these changes affect sentencing for federal production cases?
What traumatic events are most common in female sexual offenders? What other effects might adverse childhood experiences have on female sexual offenders?