What is the relationship between trauma and substance abuse in men?
How do maladaptive coping mechanisms stemming from childhood trauma influence an offender’s behavior?
How do maladaptive coping mechanisms stemming from childhood trauma influence an offender’s behavior?
What benefit can using a dynamic risk assessment in conjunction with the standard static assessments provide?
How do you classify offenders who have online sexual interactions with children? How does this affect sentencing mitigation or aggravation?
How does denial affect recidivism and are there links between incest and non-incest offenders?
Does this statement still hold true? A fresh look at this topic.
What is the best course of action for treating denial in sexual offenders and how does denial affect recidivism?
How do Adverse Childhood Experiences impact overall criminal histories, in addition to histories of sexual crimes?
How does the data compare to non-pedophilic child sex offenders?
What types of treatment are most effective at reducing recidivism?
How does alcohol and substance abuse affect the likelihood of violent and/or sexual offenses?