Forensic Recidivism Tools for Women
Research on recidivism tools for women lags significantly behind that on men. Additionally, it is further limited by lack of research on mental health.
Research on recidivism tools for women lags significantly behind that on men. Additionally, it is further limited by lack of research on mental health.
What traumatic events are most common in female sexual offenders? What other effects might adverse childhood experiences have on female sexual offenders?
What are the three most common pathways to female sexual offending? Which of these pathways is most likely result in factors that could aggravate sentencing?
What data is available to assess and determine the likelihood of a female sexual offender being arrested, charged, convicted, or incarcerated after her initial conviction?
How do developmental forces, mental health issues, and the presence of a co-defendant affect sentence mitigation and aggravation? Which category of female sexual offender is more likely to act impulsively?
An analysis of the recidivism rates of female sexual offenders and likely factors that would increase risk of reoffense.
Exploring the nature of childhood trauma, mental illness, and substance abuse and its impacts on female sexual offenders.
Does the male dominated Static-99R apply satisfactorily to female sexual offenders? If not, what validated actuarial risk assessments exist for this population?